来源:证券之星 作者:如思 时间:2025-01-25 16:08 阅读量:6355
150 million people live in Guangdong. What makes this place so attractive?
In addition to delicious food, beautiful scenery, quality goods, and business opportunities, there are also numerous exciting economic highlights.
Starting from January 10, Southern Finance Omnimedia Group will launch a series of integrated media reports titled "Top 10 Key Economic Developments in Guangdong 2024," providing insights into the new driving forces behind Guangdong's high-quality economic development.
文、图/羊城晚报全媒体记者李春炜通讯员谢焯贤 随着新春佳节的步伐越来越近,喜庆祥和的氛围弥漫家家户户。在这阖家团圆的日子里,居民用火、用电量增大,火灾风险也随...